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I’ve been on a self-appointed sabbatical but I will soon be back with more material from my archives and other material that I hope will be of interest.

In the meantime, I hope you will join me at Sharon’s life stories, which is just what it promises to be. I’ve introduced the stories saying, in part:

The stories I’m telling here are about me. They are, therefore, mostly of interest to me — and to my family and perhaps to my friends.

On the other hand, if I tell them well enough, maybe they’ll be of universal interest and even if you’ve stumbled upon them by accident, you’ll say, “What a good story!” and you’ll come back and read some more. Even if you don’t say, “What a good story!” I’m pretty sure, at some point, you’ll say, “That happened to me too.” Or maybe you’ll say, “I once had a friend/teacher/neighbour like that.”

I hope if you do, you’ll come back and check out the stories now and then.

I’ll look forward to seeing you, in both places.

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